Agenda item - Resident's Questions - 2 & 3 Star

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Agenda item

Resident's Questions - 2 & 3 Star

15:10 – 35 Minutes

Resident’s Questions (copy attached)


7     RESIDENT'S QUESTIONS - 2 & 3                                                                          39 - 70


7.1 The Chair moved to the North Area Resident’s Questions, the first issue raised was regarding CityClean, the panel agreed the wider issue had already been discussed and agreed to move to the next item.


7.2 The Chair moved to the next item, ‘issues with the repairs service’ regarding co-ordination of repairs, noting the item listed digital access to the service as a serious concern as it disenfranchised those unable to connect digitally.


7.3 A representative of a tenancy organisation raised that the authority should maintain multiple methods for residents to engage and raise potential issues to ensure all parties had an equal opportunity to contact the council.


7.4 Grant Ritchie seconded this and confirmed this was already the preferred option by the authority with an active call centre and no plans to reduce capacity. They also stated they were exploring the options for increased methods of contacting the authority and keeping track of the progress of repairs.


7.5 Barney Miller raised points regarding the use of common rooms and passageways in buildings and suggested their use be better regulated in addition to providing a more differentiated response to maintenance requests. The Chair seconded this, and Martin Reid agreed that the issue required further attention and would be resolved.


7.6 Grant Ritchie made a point that many questions could not be answered as directly using the format of area panels as the information being recorded and circulated was restricted in the inclusion of personal details. The Chair seconded this and went further to make the point that Area Panels were intended to be a wider meeting in response to policy proposals and more strategic issues.


7.7 Panel members discussed the benefits of the area panels to allow the representatives of tenancy associations to have contact with officers and access to resources they would otherwise be unable to. The Chair seconded this and made a point that the area panels were greatly appreciated by the wider community.


7.8 The panel members discussed possible solutions to the recurring issues with fly tipping in the North Area and the allocation of skips from the local authority to prevent this.


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