Agenda item - Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust Annual Report

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Agenda item

Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust Annual Report




That Committee:


1. Noted the achievements the Trust have made over the past year, including an improved financial position.


2. Approved the Trust’s annual Service Plan (Appendix 1) for 2024-25, including the proposed Fees & Charges, as detailed in Appendix 1 (page 47) of the Service Plan.


45.1 The Chair invited Louise Peim to introduce the report starting on page 23 of the Agenda.


45.2 Councillors Cattell, Bagaeen, Goddard, Hewitt, Stevens, Asaduzzaman, McGregor and Hill raised queries about the courthouse, creative industries and creative spaces in the city, ticket prices, council funding, the restructuring process, armed forces concessions, school visits, digital access, night time safety at the pavilion, commerciality, and the undivided India gate.




That Committee:


1. Noted the achievements the Trust have made over the past year, including an improved financial position.


2. Approved the Trust’s annual Service Plan (Appendix 1) for 2024-25, including the proposed Fees & Charges, as detailed in Appendix 1 (page 47) of the Service Plan.

Supporting documents:


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