Agenda item - Creative Destination Strategy

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Agenda item

Creative Destination Strategy




That Committee:


1. Agreed to the development of a new Creative Destination Vision & Strategy.


2. Agreed the proposed approach and indicative timescales to develop the new Creative Destination Vision & Strategy and notes that the final draft strategy will be reported to committee for approval.


57.1 The Chair invited Marie Tulley-Rose to introduce the report starting on page 17 of the Agenda.


57.2 Councillors McGregor, Stevens, Bagaeen, Hill, Goddard, and Miller raised queries about future planning, wealth creation, the visitor economy strategy, the outdoor events strategy, consultancy costs, the night time economy, businesses, careers, investment, and a business prospectus for the city.


57.3 A vote was taken on the recommendations and was passed by 9 to 1 abstention from Councillor Hill.




That Committee:


1. Agreed to the development of a new Creative Destination Vision & Strategy.


2. Agreed the proposed approach and indicative timescales to develop the new Creative Destination Vision & Strategy and notes that the final draft strategy will be reported to committee for approval.

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