Agenda item - Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies
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Agenda item
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies
- Meeting of Culture, Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Economic Development Committee, Thursday, 18th April, 2024 4.00pm (Item 71.)
- View the background to item 71.
That Culture, Heritage, Sport, Tourism & Economic Development
1. Noted the responses to the RPD Proposed Submission and Main Modifications consultations and the contents of the Inspectors’ Report with their conclusion that the revised policies, as modified, are legally compliant and ‘sound’.
2. Recommended to Council that the RPD be approved for adoption, incorporating the main modifications and minor modifications, as part of the Development Plan for the City, subject to the Interim Head of Planning agreeing any further minor non-material changes to the text with East Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority;
That Full Council:
1. Notes the responses to the RPD Proposed Submission and Main Modifications consultations and the contents of the Inspectors’ Report with their conclusion that the revised polices, as modified, are legally compliant and ‘sound’.
2. Approves adoption of the Revised Policies, incorporating the main modifications and minor modifications, as part of the Development Plan for the City, subject to the Interim Head of Planning agreeing any further minor non-material changes to the text with East Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority.
Supporting documents:
Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies, item 71.
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Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies APX. n 1, item 71.
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Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies APX. n 2, item 71.
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Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies APX. n 3, item 71.
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Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Adopted of Revised Policies APX. n 4, item 71.
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