Agenda item - Protecting provision for children and young people

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Agenda item

Protecting provision for children and young people

Proposed by Councillor Shanks on behalf of the Green Group.


88.1    Councillor Shanks moved an amendment under Council Procedure Rule 13.4 to amend their Notice of Motion on behalf of the Green Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Goldsmith.


88.2    The deputy mayor put the Green Group amendment to the vote which was lost.


88.3    The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Goldsmith on behalf of the Green Group and formally seconded by Councillor Shanks.


88.4    The deputy mayor noted that there was an amendment in relation to this motion as set out in the addendum papers.


88.5    Councillor Simon moved the second amendment on behalf of the Labour Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Winder.


88.6    The deputy mayor congratulated Councillor Simon on their maiden speech on behalf of the council.


88.7    Councillors Hogan spoke on the matter.


88.8    Councillor Goldsmith confirmed that they would not accept the amendment.


88.9    The deputy mayor then put the Labour Group amendment to the vote which was carried.


88.10  The deputy mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


           This council notes:


1)   The crucial role child and youth provision, including by the community and voluntary sector, plays in the physical, mental, and social development of young people in Brighton & Hove


2)   The impact of school and nursery closures in the context of a nationwide crisis in early years, which has caused concern among local authorities about the ability to deliver the extension of the Government’s 30 hours free childcare scheme


3)   The fragile state of central government funding for youth services, and in national funding for children’s social care, impacting on the life chances of young people, care leavers, and those needing extra support from 0-25


4)   The success and hardwork of the council’s Family Hubs in supporting children, young people and families across the city


Therefore, resolves to:


1) Request a report to the Children, Families, and Schools Committee detailing:


a.   the full list of CVS organisations in the city in receipt of council funding, so the administration can consider how best to commission them to deliver the policies and priorities of the council plan


b.   how this council can work more closely with young people, children and families, in particular to review the current minimum consultation period of six weeks on proposals to close or move any early years childcare, schools, or child and youth provision;


c.    how our communications can more effectively reach all children and young people to ensure minimal impact to their education and wellbeing during periods of change


d.   sets out the principles the administration adopted for deciding which schools should close, and how this would be applied if more closures are considered in future.


88.11  The deputy mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.

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