Agenda item - BH2023/02679 - St Joseph's Church Hall, 6 Milton Road, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2023/02679 - St Joseph's Church Hall, 6 Milton Road, Brighton - Full Planning


1.         The Planning Manager introduced the application to the committee.


Answers to Committee Member Questions


2.         Councillor Cattell was informed that the render was through colour render.


3.         Councillor Robinson was informed that the design of the development was agreed following amendments by the applicant in response to comments from the previous Urban Design Officer.


4.         Councillor Theobald was informed that events will be held in the new hall and would be available to the community for hiring; however, there would be a gap between demolition and completion of the new building.


5.         Councillor Allen was informed that the date of the existing building was not known, however, the estimate was 1960/70s.




6.         Councillor Allen noted that anecdotally they had been informed the existing building was used as a Sunday school in 1950s. The councillor was glad the building would remain as a community asset. They did not consider the new design to be a blight, but an interesting building. They considered careful thought should be given to materials.


7.         Councillor Earthey was glad the community facility would continue, and even though they considered the design out of keeping they supported the application.


8.         Councillor Cattell considered the design out of context as are all churches. The existing building is not acceptable and the new build in an interesting design and will be huge improvement to the area. The councillor supported the application.


9.         Councillor Nann considered the proposals to be better than the existing and supported the application.


10.      Councillor Allen considered the existing building would have been rejected.


11.      Councillor Theobald considered the proposed lift, toilets and general accessibility were all improvements and disabled parking would also be good. The councillor supported the application.


12.      Councillor Shanks considered the materials should be recycled after



13.      Councillor Robinson considered the development to be good for the community, however, they considered the external cladding to be unacceptable and they were therefore against the application.


14.      Councillor requested that materials be brought back to committee for consideration.




15.      A vote was taken, and by 9 to 1 against the committee agreed the recommendations.


16.      RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.

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