Committee details - Joint Commissioning Board
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Committee details
Joint Commissioning Board
Purpose of committee
The Joint Commissioning Board oversees a partnership between the Council and the health bodies which is responsible for commissioning, providing and overseeing a number of adult health and social care services. The partnership is governed by an Agreement between the Council and Brighton & Hove Primary Care Trust under Section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 (‘the Section 75 Agreement’), covering the delegation of functions and pooling of budgets for services.
The Joint Commissioning Board is the top decision making body for the partnership, with delegated powers to make decisions concerning the commissioning and provision of services on behalf of the parties to the Section 75 Agreement. It is also the senior forum for the discussion of policy and strategy across the partnership as a whole, and is thus responsible for setting the strategic direction for these services.
All the decision-making powers of the Council in relation to the Section 75 Agreement will be exercised by the Adult Care & Health Committee.
- Denise Stokoe (Chair)
- Janice Robinson
- Colin Vincent
Contact information
Support officer: Caroline De Marco. Democratic Services Officer
Phone: 01273 291063
Fax: 01273 291089