Committee details - Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting

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Committee details

Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting

Purpose of committee

The Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism will deal with the council’s functions in relation to culture, arts and heritage; tourism and marketing; libraries and museums; events; and leisure, sports and recreation.


Delegated Functions

To discharge the Council’s functions in relation to the following:


Culture, Arts and Heritage

Culture, including arts and heritage and the Council’s functions in respect of arts, entertainment and cultural activities.


Tourism & Marketing   

Tourism, marketing and conferences


Libraries and Museums

Libraries, museums, art galleries, historic buildings and their gardens and the functions of the Council regarding public records.



Events, including the annual programme of entertainment events (providing that if the relevant Director is of the view that the event is a major event or has corporate budgetary or policy implications the matter shall be referred to the Cabinet).


Leisure, Sports and Recreation  

The provision and management of leisure, sports and recreation facilities.



Contact information

Support officer: Penny Jennings, Democratic Services Officer.

Postal address:
Room 121
King's House
Grand Avenue

Phone: 01273 291065

Fax: 01273 291089



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