Decisions for issue New Swimming Pool at Withdean Sports Complex
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New Swimming Pool at Withdean Sports Complex
17/04/2024 - New Swimming Pool at Withdean Sports Complex
89.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture. New Swimming Pool at Withdean Sports Complex and Pool Provision in the East of the City. The report presented the findings of the independent inquiry and sought formal approval for the recommendations of the report and the subsequent action plan that had been developed to ensure the serious and devastating findings of the report are addressed.
89.3 Resolved
That Committee;
2.1 Notes the importance of addressing the shortfall of pool water space in the
2.2 Agrees that officers should continue to explore the feasibility of where and how new pool water space is developed and delivered in the East of the city,
(as set out in paragraph 3.35).
Recommends that the Strategy, Finance, and City Regeneration Committee
2.3 Agrees in principle to the development of a new swimming pool at Withdean
Sports Complex, as set out in paragraph 3.18.
2.4 Agrees the provision of £451,000 (via capital borrowing) to complete detailed design and survey work and to achieve planning consent.
2.5 Authorises the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to
take all steps necessary to procure and award the contracts for the design work.
2.6 Agrees that a further report is brought back to the Strategy, Finance and City
Regeneration Committee once the design work is completed to approve the
progression of the project to implementation and the additional borrowing required for the remaining capital cost to deliver a new facility.
18/01/2024 - New Swimming Pool at Withdean Sports Complex and Pool Provision in the East of the City
That Committee:
1. Noted the importance of addressing the shortfall of pool water space in the city.
2. Agreed that officers should continue to explore the feasibility of where and how new pool water space is developed and delivered in the East of the city, (as set out in paragraph 3.35).
Recommended that the Strategy, Finance, and City Regeneration Committee:
3. Agreed in principle to the development of a new swimming pool at Withdean Sports Complex, as set out in paragraph 3.18.
4. Agreed the provision of £451,000 (via capital borrowing) to complete detailed design and survey work and to achieve planning consent.
5. Authorises the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to take all steps necessary to procure and award the contracts for the design work.
6. Agrees that a further report is brought back to the Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee once the design work is completed to approve the progression of the project to implementation and the additional borrowing required for the remaining capital cost to deliver a new facility.