Decisions for issue Moulsecoomb Hub and Housing Project

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Moulsecoomb Hub and Housing Project

14/03/2024 - Moulsecoomb Hub and Housing Project



That Housing and New Homes Committee


Recommends to Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration Committee to:


2.1      Agree to begin a procurement exercise for the redevelopment of this site, including early market engagement.


2.2      Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Economy & Culture and the Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods &

Communities to procure the contractors and then once a budget has been agreed at a subsequent committee meeting, to then enter in to relevant contracts.


2.3      Note that the demolition of some of the existing buildings is due to

commence in March 2024.


That Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration Committee:


2.1      Agree to begin a procurement exercise for the redevelopment of this site, including early market engagement.


2.2      Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Economy & Culture and the Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods &

Communities to procure the contractors and then once a budget has been agreed at a subsequent committee meeting, to then enter in to relevant contracts.


2.3      Note that the demolition of some of the existing buildings is due to

commence in March 2024.

14/03/2024 - Moulsecoomb Hub and Housing Project



That Housing and New Homes Committee recommends to Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee to:


2.1      Agree to begin a procurement exercise for the redevelopment of this site, including early market engagement.


2.2      Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Economy & Culture and the Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities to procure the contractors and then once a budget has been agreed at a subsequent committee meeting, to then enter in to relevant contracts.


2.3      Note that the demolition of some of the existing buildings is due to commence in March 2024.


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