Decisions for issue Integration of Local Enterprise Partnership Functions

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Integration of Local Enterprise Partnership Functions

07/03/2024 - Integration of Local Enterprise Partnership Functions



That Committee:


1. Noted the impending transfer of LEP functions to UTLAs and that this has the potential to support delivery of the Council’s emerging Economic Strategy alongside business support, investment and growth activities.


2. Approved the approach outlined in this report for the integration of LEP functions within the Council’s economic development service and within the business & intellectual property centre located at Jubilee Library.


3. Agreed to receive annual reports on integration and subsequent delivery of  former LEP functions.


4. Delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture, following consultation with the Chair of this Committee, to complete the negotiation and integration process.


5. Delegated authority to the Executive Director Governance People and Resources to make the necessary changes to the Council’s Constitution, including the Scheme of Delegations to Officers to reflect the recommendations in this report.


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