Decisions for issue Falmer Community Stadium - Spreading of Excavated Chalk on Land South of Village Way

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Falmer Community Stadium - Spreading of Excavated Chalk on Land South of Village Way

12/06/2009 - Falmer Community Stadium - Spreading of Excavated Chalk on Land South of Village Way

(1)       That Cabinet approves granting the Club a 7 year licence to deposit chalk on the Land and carry out a programme to restore the Land to agricultural use on substantially the terms set out in the confidential report elsewhere on this agenda and that authority to enter into the licence is granted to the Director of Environment and the Director of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Central Services.


(2)       That Cabinet notes the urgency decisions taken by the Director of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader in respect of the surrender agreement with the tenant farmer and the grant of a temporary licence to allow works on site to continue.


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