Decisions for issue Annual Progress Update of the Local Area Agreement (LAA) 2008/09

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Annual Progress Update of the Local Area Agreement (LAA) 2008/09

10/07/2009 - Annual progress update on the Local Area Agreement (LAA) 2008/09

1.     That Cabinet notes the good progress against the LAA outcomes in Appendices 1 & 3.


2.     That Cabinet notes the actions outlined in the Exception Report in Appendix 2 to address areas not meeting the agreed targets.


3.     That Cabinet agrees to ask Cabinet Members to review any areas of poor performance in greater detail at future Cabinet Members Meetings and/or discusses with the relevant leading partnership progress on the action plans.


4.     That Cabinet notes the targets for the Local Area Agreement were negotiated in 2007 before the impact of the economic recession on the achievements particularly for employment and housing outcomes was fully appreciated. Nationally, it has been agreed that the specific economic indicator targets for 09/10 & 10/11 will be reviewed in light of the impact of the recession. The finalised revised targets will come back to a future LSP and Cabinet.


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