Decisions for issue Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2009/10 Month 6
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Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2009/10 Month 6
12/11/2009 - Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2009/10 Month 6
(1) That Cabinet notes the forecast outturn for the General Fund, Section 75 Partnerships and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2008/09 as at month 6.
(2) That Cabinet notes the impact of financial recovery plans, detailed in Appendix 1, on the forecast outturn position.
(3) That Cabinet approves the drawdown of £0.350 million from reserves to meet potential costs of the Marina Development Appeal.
(4) That Cabinet notes the forecast outturn position on the capital budgets as at month 6.
(5) That Cabinet approves the changes to the capital budget as summarised in Appendix 4 and detailed in Appendices 5 – 8.