Decisions for issue Lanes car park - access arrangements

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Issue - decisions

Lanes car park - access arrangements

14/01/2010 - Lanes car park - access arrangements

(1)         That Cabinet to approve the allocation of £0.588m for the reconfiguration of pedestrian access and lift renovation to create a safer environment, meet modern standards, the councils regulatory obligations and policy commitments.


(2)         That Cabinet retrospectively approves additional expenditure incurred of £0.440m, including the provision of six additional parking spaces (valued at circa £24k per annum).


(3)         That authority be delegated to the Director of Environment to approve the appointment of a contractor to carry out works referred to in 2.1 above.


(4)         That an offer be taken to the LDV Board within four weeks and that a letter be written to Board members confirming the timetable.


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