Decisions for issue Future arrangement for the Children & Young People's Trust Board

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Future arrangement for the Children & Young People's Trust Board

27/05/2010 - Future arrangement for the Children & Young People's Trust Board

That the Board agree:



(1)   To re-constitute the Children and Young People’s Trust Board to meet the requirements of the Statutory Guidance on co-operation arrangements (2010) and establish a new Children’s Trust Board with the membership proposed by the local authority (paragraph 3.9. and Appendix 1).


(2)   The Chair of the Children’s Trust Board will be the Lead member for Children’s Services (paragraph 3.11).


(3)   To adopt the draft Terms of Reference for the new Children’s Trust Board (paragraph 3.12 and attached as Appendix 2)


(4)   The proposal not to establish sub groups of the Children’s Trust Board at this stage (paragraph 3.14).



(5)   The draft work programme for the Children’s Trust Board (paragraph 3.15 and attached as Appendix 3).


(6)   To receive a further report in respect of the necessary transitional arrangements to ensure that the city’s Children and Young People’s Plan complies with Statutory Guidance by April 2011.



(7)   That this will be the final meeting of the Children’s Board in its current constitution. The new Children’s Board will commence business at the next meeting.




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