Decisions for issue Creating a Council the City Deserves…a transformation programme for Brighton & Hove City Council (May 2010)

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Creating a Council the City Deserves…a transformation programme for Brighton & Hove City Council (May 2010)

27/05/2010 - Creating a Council the City Deserves…proposals for a new organisational structure

(1)         That Cabinet:


(a)         Approve the establishment of the new Strategic Leadership Board


(b)         Give authority to proceed to select and appoint the four new Strategic Director posts as described in paragraphs 13.2 to 13.7


(c)         Give authority to proceed to statutory consultation, on 1 June 2010 for 90 days, with those directly and indirectly affected by the proposed changes to the organisational structure as described in paragraph 4.1 – 4.3


(d)         Note that proposals are likely to be amended, in response to consultation, and will be re-presented to Cabinet in September for formal agreement


(e)         Note that a report will go to the Governance Committee to seek authority for changes to the schemes of delegation to officers and any other aspects of the constitution that require Council and/or Governance Committee approval.


(f)           Authorise the Chief Executive to take all steps necessary to progress recommendations a. to d. and any decisions necessary or incidental to the establishment of the Strategic Leadership Board.


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