Decisions for issue Future of Brightstart Nursery

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Issue - decisions

Future of Brightstart Nursery

17/01/2011 - Future of Brightstart Nursery

RESOLVED- That the Cabinet Member agrees:


1)     Withdraws the proposal to close the nursery by the end of April 2010 and, to reassure parents and staff that there will be no change to the status of the nursery before September 2011.


2)     To increase the fees for the nursery from April 2011 in line with fees increases in other Council run nurseries in the city and to consider other measures to improve the sustainability of the nursery.


3)     The development of a proposal for how the Bright Start nursery could be offered as a community assets in advance of the Localism legislation and to consult on this proposal before making a final decision about the future of Bright Start including the option of closure.


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