Decisions for issue Local Development Framework Core Strategy - Revised Preferred Options
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Local Development Framework Core Strategy - Revised Preferred Options
14/06/2008 - Local Development Framework Core Strategy - Revised Preferred Options
1. That the nature of the representations made to the original Core Strategy Preferred Options document (appendix 2 of the report) be noted.
2. That the officer responses and recommendations to the representations set out in the schedule attached to the Statement of Consultation placed in the Members’ rooms be approved.
3. That the Revised Core Strategy and supporting documents for the purposes of a minimum six week period of public consultation, subject to any minor editorial changes agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment in consultation with the Director of Environment be approved; and
4. That it be noted that the final version of the Core Strategy would be brought back to the Cabinet and Council in January 2009 for approval for submission to the Secretary of State following a final formal period of consultation to take place during February and March 2009 (the exact procedure would be subject to the publication of The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations anticipated May/June 2008.