Decisions for issue Review of Policy Framework - School Admissions Arrangements
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Review of Policy Framework - School Admissions Arrangements
28/08/2012 - Review of Policy Framework - School Admissions Arrangements
49.1 Councillor Littman introduced the report, which had been considered by the Governance Committee following the decision of the council to include the School Admissions Arrangements in the Council’s Policy Framework. The report detailed the policies and documents which related to school admissions and which if agreed would form part of the policy framework that would be brought to full council.
49.2 Councillor Mitchell stated that she supported the recommendations but sought clarification from the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People in regard to the recent expansion of schools and additional classes and how these would take account of new school applications.
49.3 Councillor Shanks confirmed that any applications made after the usual consultation process would be considered along with those received in line with the normal deadlines. However, it was useful to have an indication of how many places were being requested for various schools.
49.4 The Mayor noted that the recommendations had been moved and put them to the vote.
49.5 RESOLVED: That the Council’s Policy Framework include ‘School Admission Arrangements’ and that this be interpreted to cover the council’s admissions policy (as represented by the admissions booklet for primary and secondary schools), and the School Organisation Plan.
17/11/2011 - Review of Policy Framework - School Admissions Arrangements
1 That Governance Committee notes the documents and policies in place for Brighton & Hove City Council relating to school admissions
2 That Governance Committee recommends to full Council that the Council’s policy framework include ‘school admission arrangements’ and that this be interpreted to cover the Council’s admissions policy (as represented by the admissions booklet for primary and secondary schools) and the School Organisation Plan