Decisions for issue Mercury Abatement at Woodvale Crematorium

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Mercury Abatement at Woodvale Crematorium

09/02/2012 - Mercury Abatement at Woodvale Crematorium



(1)               That the proposal for replacement of old and antiquated plant and the introduction of mercury abatement measures via an OJEU compliant tender process be approved;


(2)               That the Strategic Director of Resources, be granted delegated authority, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance & Central Services, to approve the purchase and installation of new equipment up to a value of £1.2m procured directly through an OJEU compliant route; and


(3)               That the funding of £1.2m from the council’s Capital Investment Programme for replacement of new cremators and mercury abatement equipment to be funded through a combination of the Mercury Abatement Reserve and borrowing be agreed.


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