Decisions for issue Houses in Multiple Occupation consultation on additional licensing & amendment of Standards

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Houses in Multiple Occupation consultation on additional licensing & amendment of Standards

18/01/2012 - Additional Licensing for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Consultation & Amendment of Standards for Licensed HMOs.

(1)       That the update on the progress of consultation on the proposal to introduce additional licensing for smaller HMOs in the wards identified, be noted.


(2)       That it be noted that there is authority under the existing scheme of delegation for the Strategic Director Place to extend consultation on additional HMO licensing of HMOs of two or more storeys and three or more occupiers in the wards identified and on proposed changes to the Brighton & Hove City Council Standards for Licensable HMOs between January 2012 and March 2012.


(3)               That it be noted that the fees for existing mandatory HMO licences remain unchanged for 2012/13.



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