Decisions for issue Procurement of the City Downland Estate Management Consultancy Contract

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Issue - decisions

Procurement of the City Downland Estate Management Consultancy Contract

12/07/2012 - Procurement of the City Downland Estate Management Consultancy Contract

(1)               That the retendering of the Estate Management consultancy service for the City Downland  Estate for a 5 year period, with an option for up to a 2 year extension be agreed;


(2)               That the granting of delegated powers to the Strategic Director; Resources in consultation with the Leader, Chair of Policy & Resources Committee to, (a) award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process and (b) approve an extension to the contract if required dependent on performance be agreed; and


(3)               That the timetable and process, as set out in Paragraph 3.8 and Appendix 1 of the report be agreed.


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