Decisions for issue Sussex Police and Crime Panel
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Sussex Police and Crime Panel
12/07/2012 - Sussex Police and Crime Panel
(1) That Councillor Ben Duncan (1) be nominated as the Brighton & Hove councillor to serve on the Sussex Police and Crime Panel (PCP) from the formal constitution of the Panel and (2) be appointed to the Panel if he accepts nomination and that Councillor Matt Follett be nominated as the named substitute for the PCP;
(2) That Councillor Warren Morgan (1) be nominated as the Brighton & Hove co-opted member to serve on the Sussex PCP, as stipulated in paragraph 14a of the PCP constitution (Annex 3), and (2) be appointed to the PCP subject to ratification at the first meeting of the PCP; and that Councillor Alan Robins be nominate as the named substitute for Cllr Morgan;
(3) That the proposed PCP constitution and panel arrangements as set out in Annex 3 of the report be ratified;
(4) That in addition to the Policy and Resources Committee, the Chief Executive be given full delegated power to exercise the Council’s functions in relation to the establishment and maintenance of the Sussex PCP;
(5) That the Committee note ongoing concerns regarding PCP equality and operational issues as set out in paragraphs 4.8 to 4.10 of the report and mandate nominated Members to address these during future PCP meetings.