Decisions for issue Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
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Local Development Framework -Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
12/11/2009 - Local Development Framework - Brighton & Hove Core Strategy: Submission Version
(1) That Cabinet notes the draft extract of the proceedings of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 20 October 2009.
(2) That Cabinet notes the nature of the representations and officer responses made to the Revised Core Strategy Preferred Options (July 2008) document and the Proposed Amendments Paper (June 2009) (to be set out in appendix 2 and in the Statement of Consultation in Members’ Rooms).
(3) That Cabinet endorses the Core Strategy and supporting documents and recommends that Council gives approval for submission to the Secretary of State, preceded by a 6 week publication stage, subject to any minor editorial changes agreed by the Cabinet Member for Environment in consultation with the Director of Environment.
(4) That Cabinet notes that the Core Strategy will be the subject of an Examination in Public in July 2010 followed by the Planning Inspector’s binding report and adoption in January 2011.