Decisions for issue Metro Wireless Concession Agreement
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Metro Wireless Concession Agreement
29/11/2012 - Metro Wireless Concession Agreement
(1) That the letting of a service concession for the use of council owned assets (primarily street furniture) to deliver a Wireless Network for a 5 year initial period with the option to extend for 2 years plus a further period of up to 12 months (5 plus 2 plus 1) be approved;
(2) That the Strategic Director; Place be granted delegated authority to award a service concession contract to deliver a Metro Wireless network and, subject to satisfactory performance of the appointed contractor, to extend the 5-year contract by a maximum of 3 years (2 years, then 12 months); and
(3) That the Head of ICT in conjunction with the Strategic Director; Place be authorised to agree any minor amendments to the draft contract deemed necessary and to conclude the contract accordingly.