Decisions for issue Review of Secondary School Catchment Areas 2013

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Review of Secondary School Catchment Areas 2013

14/01/2013 - Review of the Secondary Admissions Process for 2014/15

            RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the summary details of the Review into the Secondary School Admissions process for Brighton & Hove and its particular  focus on the delineation of catchment areas;


(2) That the Committee agrees that no changes will be made to the existing Secodary Catchment areas for the academic year 2014/15;


(3) That the Committee agrees that the cross party working group will continue to meeton a termly basis to monitor the impact of national the and local changes related to Secondary Admissions. This will include the creation of new academies or free schools;


(4) That the Committee agrees that the cross party working group will reform its stakeholder group as and when needed to consider proposals for any change beyond 2014/15;


(5) That the Committee notes that the Admissions Team will review its annual publications in the light of concerns over the “equal preference” system an the continuing misundertstanding regarding parental “choice”.


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