Decisions for issue Public Health Approach to Parenting
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Public Health Approach to Parenting
14/01/2013 - Public Health Approach to Parenting
RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approve a joint public health and children’s services approach to the promotion of positive parenting. This will consist of:
· engagement with key partners and stakeholders;
· a “Big Debate” that will help the local authority and partner agencies to ascertain the public’s views on impact of parenting in the community and support needed for parents;
· a media parenting information campaign that will aim to get key messages and information about services to parents and professionals; and
(2) The Committee approve the development of an implementation strategy for a whole population public health approach to parenting, informed by the consultation process above. This would mean aiming to reach 60% of parents over a two year period, giving brief information and advice progressing to intensive support depending on need. It is estimated that about 10% of the population will benefit from intense services (e.g., an 8 week group).