Decisions for issue Strategic Risk Management Action Plan Focus – SR6 Safeguarding vulnerable members of our community
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Strategic Risk Management Action Plan Focus – SR6 Safeguarding vulnerable members of our community
13/02/2014 - Strategic Risk Management Action Plan Focus – SR6 Safeguarding vulnerable members of our community
78.1 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Finance in relation to the Strategic Risk Management Action Plan Focus – SR6 Safeguarding vulnerable members of our community; this was split into the two areas of adults and children respectively.
78.2 The Director of Adult Services, Denise De Souza, discussed safeguarding adults and explained that the starting point was to ensure good governance both internally and externally; this was done through the Joint Commissioning Board and monitoring. Work was undertaken to ensure partners were working together, and understood the statutory responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. There was a Board action plan to consider these kinds of matters. A peer review had also helped identify best practice. There were control mechanisms in place, and feedback was received where appropriate, and it was considered important that the thresholds for safeguarding were proper and robust. It was considered that there would be appropriate capacity in the budget to meet the safeguarding priorities.
78.3 Councillor Ken Norman noted he had worked closely with this service for some time and it was his experience that issues in relation to safeguarding were acted upon instantly, and there were the appropriate measures in place for best practice.
78.4 The Interim Director of Children’s Services, Heather Tomlinson, and the Lead Commissioner: Integrated Families, Steve Barton discussed safeguarding children and explained how risk was managed; this was undertaken by checking the quality of professional work; the multi-agency work and the partnership with the Safeguarding Board. Work was being done to create additional capacity in the Board to undertake audit work, and a recent report to the Health & Wellbeing Board had showed some of the strength in practices. There was an action plan with the Safeguarding Board and peer reviews and health visits had been undertaken. A lot of work was being undertaken with schools – especially in relation to health services and trying to engage schools with agencies. An Special Educational Needs (SEN) Strategy had recently been re-launched in line with new legislation in relation improving safeguarding for young people with SEN or disabilities. The Stronger Families; Stronger Communities Initiative was also highlighted in detail including the following: the scheme offered Payment by Results, and the Council had been targeted to engage with 675 families. A twin track strategy had been set up with a range of staff from different professions, and the model had to be multi-agency. Currently 439 families had been identified, and Officers were confident they could make an impact. Some emerging themes had already been noted.
78.5 Dr Meleyal asked about the capacity of the Safeguarding Board, and it was explained that moves had been made recently to increase the capacity; it was noted that some partners had a role across other areas.
78.6 Following queries from Councillor Wealls it was explained that the pay by results for the Stronger Families Initiative was based on £1.4 million for engagement – which Officers were confident would be achieved, and £800k for the outcomes. The National Troubled Families Unit would be taking a ‘light touch approach’ based on data signed off by internal audit.
78.7 In response to a further query from Dr Meleyal it was clarified that there would be an evaluation report using national data.
78.8 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the update from the Director of Adult Services; the Interim Director of Children’s Services and the Lead Commissioner: Integrated Families.