Decisions for issue Annual Governance Statement 2011/12 - Action PLan Progress

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Annual Governance Statement 2011/12 - Action PLan Progress

13/02/2014 - Annual Governance Statement 2011/12 - Action Plan Progress

72.1         The Head of Audit & Business Risk introduced the report and explained that it included an action plan for improvements to the Council’s governance framework, and the Committee should seek assurance over the effective implementation. The report also provided an update on the Council’s progress in implementing actions agreed in the Annual Governance Statement for 2011/12.


72.2         Councillor Sykes explained he was surprised to see the HR management already indicating at green, and in response it was explained that this was against the audit actions as all had now been implemented. The Director of Finance also updated that the Council was joining more benchmarking groups to better contextualise data and reporting.


72.3         Councillor Ken Norman asked for more information in relation to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in the city; in response it was explained that as movement was made towards the new CCG – with new functions – thought would have to be given to the section agreement.


72.4         In response to a query from Councillor Wealls it was explained by the Director of Finance that as part of the process of writing the annual statement a reflection would have to be provided on the state of controls at the end of the financial year. The Committee would be asked to comment on the on the Annual Governance Statement. The new guidance gave a more prescribed format and requested reporting on significant weaknesses; however, the Council had in the past highlighted areas for improvement and used the previous Audit Committee to challenge this. This information would be bought to the June 2013 meeting together with an action plan.


72.5         RESOLVED – That the Committee considers the Annual Governance Statement 2011/12 Action at Appendix 1 and comments on any issues identified in relation to the work Officers have undertaken to improve the Council’s corporate governance arrangements.


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