Decisions for issue Procurement of Solar Photovoltaic Arrays for BHCC HRA Property
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Procurement of Solar Photovoltaic Arrays for BHCC HRA Property
19/06/2013 - Home Energy Efficiency Update: Procurement of Solar Photovoltaic Arrays for Housing Revenue Account Property
That Housing Committee –
(1) Notes an update of the optoin appraisal for a large scale installation of Solar PV’s to housing stock.
(2) Approves the procurement of a contract for the supply and installation of Solar Photovoltaic Arraus to HRA owned dwellings for up to 12 months with two extensions of up to 12 months each if required, subject to satisfactory perfromance of the contractor.
(3) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing, in consultation with Director of Finance & Resources, to award the contract for up to 12 months following the recommendations of the evaluation panel, and approve two extensions to the contract of up to 12 months each if required, subject to satisfactory performance of the contractor.