Decisions for issue Adoption of Shoreham Harbour Development Brief (June 2013)
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Adoption of Shoreham Harbour Development Brief (June 2013)
19/09/2013 - South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin Development Brief
24.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing which presented for final approval a development brief for the South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin at Shoreham Harbour.
24.2 It was noted that the Brief had been prepared to give planning guidance to guide investment and interest from developers in those areas in advance of more formal planning documents which were under preparation. The planning brief reflected a realistic approach to regeneration following a re-appraisal of previous larger-scale proposals for the whole of Shoreham Harbour. The draft brief had been approved for consultation at a meeting of this Committee in January 2013. The Brief had been subject to several rounds of public consultation as well as a Sustainability Appraisal. A copy of the Development Brief iwas attached as Appendix 1 and a summary of points made and the Council’s response was contained in Appendix 2.
24.-- RESOLVED - That the Economic Development & Culture Committee notes the summary of the Consultation Statement and approves the ‘’South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin Development Brief” as a material planning consideration in the assessment of development proposals and planning applications.