Decisions for issue Code of Conduct for Member/Officer Relations & Code of Conduct for Employees
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Code of Conduct for Member/Officer Relations & Code of Conduct for Employees
13/02/2014 - Code of Conduct for Member/Officer Relations & Code of Conduct for Employees
99.1 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services in relation to the code of conduct for member/officer relations and code of conduct for employees. The report sought approval for minor amendments to these documents following new arrangements for the handling of confidential information; the Council’s revised corporate values and the latest senior management structure.
i. That the Committee agree the council’s Code of Conduct for Member/Officer Relations as amended and set out at Appendix 1.
ii. That the Committee agree the council’s Code of Conduct for Employees as amended and set out at Appendix 2.
iii. That the Committee recommend each of these codes to Full Council for approval.