Decisions for issue Guidance to Members and Officers Regarding Confidential Information

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Guidance to Members and Officers Regarding Confidential Information

13/02/2014 - Guidance for Members and Officers Regarding Confidential Information

100.1    The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services in relation to the guidance for Members and Officers on confidential information. The report bought an updated guidance document which had been drafted following the decisions the Committee took at its meeting on 22 January 2013.


100.2    Councillor Sykes highlighted document marking, and asked if this would be introduced. In response Officers explained that there would an officer information governance meeting and a new ITC policy which would cover the proper marking of documents and the categories of subscription.


100.3    Dr Horne asked how this information would be distributed to Officers, and Officers explained that this would be discussed by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and there would be a blog from the Chief Executive to introduce this in conjunction with the internal Communications Team. Dr Horne also added that the Information Commissioners Office had good examples that might assist Officers.


100.4    RESOLVED:


        i.            That the committee approves the Guidance for Members and Officers on Confidential Information appended to this report.


      ii.            That a copy of the revised guidance be circulated to all Members following approval by the Committee.


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