Decisions for issue Minimising the risk of evictions caused by the Housing Benefit Social Rented Sector Size Criteria

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Minimising the risk of evictions caused by the Housing Benefit Social Rented Sector Size Criteria

08/05/2013 - Minimising the risk of evictions caused by the Housing Benefit Social Rented Sector Size Criteria

2.1       That Housing Committee note the Council resolution in relation to the Housing Benefit social rented sector size criteria attached as Appendix 1 to this report.


2.2             That Housing Committee request Area Panels consider the Notice of Motion and the proposals contained in this report so that their feedback can be considered by Housing Committee (via Housing Management Consultative Sub -Committee) during autumn 2013.


2.3       That Housing Committee earmark £70,000 on a one off basis from the Housing Revenue Account, to support urgent initiatives to minimise the risk of evictions.


2.4       That for a transitional period until 1st April 2014, where (i) all other avenues have been explored, and (ii) transfer is the only option but there are no suitable properties to transfer to, and (iii) where it is possible to clearly identify that arrears are solely due to the under-occupancy penalty; officers will use all means other than evictions and bailiffs to recover rent due.


2.5       Cases that meet these three criteria should not hinder a tenant from moving to another council property.


2.6       That the consent of the Secretary of State be sought to use that funding to support additional dedicated Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) for council tenants, supplementing the council’s overall DHP fund.



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