Decisions for issue Strategic Risk Register 2013-14 - reviewed May 2013

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Strategic Risk Register 2013-14 - reviewed May 2013

13/02/2014 - Strategic Risk Review 2013-14 & Risk Management Action Plans– Updated May 2013

14.1         The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Resources in relation to the Strategic Risk Review 2013-14 & Risk Management Action Plans – Updated May 2013. The Committee had a role to review the Strategic Risk Register, and this had recently been updated by the Chief Executive and Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The report also provided details on actions taken and planned actions to manage specific strategic risks.


14.2         Councillor Summers asked for clarification in relation to how the Risk Register operated; in response the risk management methodology was explained, and how the mitigation controls showed action was being taken to help reduce the risk score.


14.3         Councillor Sykes highlighted pay modernisation (SR14), and asked why this was only appearing on the register now given the importance of the issue over the last few years. In response the Executive Director of Finance & Resources explained that the issue had been on the register in recent years. It was important the Council reach a balance on what information should be in the public domain against the necessity to hold some briefings confidentially, the risk was a reflection of the complex legal and financial risks involved. It was also noted that there would be a briefing for the Committee at the next meeting on both the seafront and pay modernisation risks.


14.4         Councillor Wealls asked if the situation could potentially be any different if pay modernisation had been on the register a year ago; in the response the Executive Director explained that this was part of the judgement call Officers had to make when agreeing the register, and the necessity to have clear mitigation measures against each risk; there were also some interventions happening now to help Officers understand the risk in more detail. The Risk Manager also added that by virtue of being on the register the issue generated more activity and allowed for a greater understanding of a risk.


14.5         The Executive Director went on to discuss the information governance risk (SR10), and noted that since the publication on the agenda this risk had increased on the register to reflect that in the last few weeks the Cabinet Office had changed the rules on information management, and further work was now necessary to meet the new requirements. It was envisaged the Committee would be briefed on this matter at the next meeting.


14.6         Councillor Sykes highlighted the importance of the register for Members to provide assurance that mitigation measures were being undertaken.


14.7         Councillor Pissaridou asked how it was decided a risk would be placed on the register, and if they only appeared when the Council could offer sufficient mitigation measures. The Executive Director explained there were some risks where the mitigation measures were not always sufficient, but it was important to maintain the register as it allowed more proactive work to take place. Furthermore a risk should not be excluded from the register even if the Council was not able to set a full series of mitigation measures.


14.8         RESOLVED:


(i)                 That the Committee notes the revised Strategic Risk Register.


(ii)               That the Committee notes the Risk Management Action Plans contained in the Strategic Risk Assessment Report – May 2013.


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