Decisions for issue Audit & Standards Committee Annual Report 2012/13
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Audit & Standards Committee Annual Report 2012/13
13/02/2014 - Audit & Standards Committee Annual Report 2012/13
7.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Resources and the Head of Legal & Democratic Services in relation to the Audit & Standards Committee Annual Report 2012/13. The draft annual report was attached to the agenda papers at Appendix A to the report, and it provided a summary of the Committee’s achievements and performance during the 2012/13 municipal year. The report had been prepared on behalf of the Committee Members. The preparation of an annual report was recognised as best practice for Committee by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) in providing assurance to the Council over its role in governance.
7.2 The Head of Legal & Democratic Services extended his thanks to the work of the two co-optees to the Committee, and stated that they had both performed very well in their roles. Councillor Hamilton suggested that some wording to this extent could be added to the report, and this request was agreed by the Committee.
7.3 Dr Horne highlighted the ‘looking forward’ section of the report and suggested it could be helpful to have some reference to work undertaken in relation to the Standards role and the Code of Conduct.
7.4 Councillor Ann Norman echoed the comments made by Dr Horne, and stated how important the role of the co-optees was to the Committee, and how important it was to take a differing perspective when considering reports.
(i) That the Committee consider the draft report and agree it subject to the amendments outlined above.
(ii) That the Committee refer the agreed report to Full Council for information.