Decisions for issue Internal Audit Annual Report & Opinion 2012/13
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Internal Audit Annual Report & Opinion 2012/13
13/02/2014 - Internal Audit Annual Report & Opinion 2012/13
16.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Resources in relation to the Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion 2012/13. The report presented the Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion 2012/13 to the Committee, and it summarised the work that the Internal Audit Team had undertaken during the financial year 2012/13. The report also included the Head of Audit & Business Risk’s annual opinion on the system of internal control.
16.2 Councillor Hamilton asked for more information on the follow up work in relation to audits with limited assurance. In response it was explained that that follow up work would be undertaken and those with reviews would have a priority.
16.3 In response to a query from Councillor Wealls it was acknowledged that the number of investigations underway for suspected sub-letting was low; however, there was a new Fraud Act coming into force later this year which would provide greater deterrents. Councillor Smith went onto ask if work was undertaken to check occupants against the electoral roll; Officers explained that they did but were currently limited at this time. There was also work to check bank accounts at certain properties, but there needed to be additional work in Housing to undertake checks and more regional sharing of data.
16.4 Councillor Sykes asked about the volume of work – noting it was under the average, and asked about how the other activities the Council undertook interacted with this. In response it was explained that there would be reliance placed on these areas, and the whole overall mapping of the authority helped to reduce duplication of work.
16.5 Dr Horne welcomed the coverage outlined in the report, and asked about the 13% less delivered than planned; it was explained that this related to staff sickness and a vacancy within the service.
16.6 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the work completed by the Internal Audit Team for 2012/13; the outcomes and issues arising, and the Head of Audit & Business Risk’s annual opinion on the system of internal control.