Decisions for issue Falmer Released Land & Site Adjacent to Community Stadium

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Issue - decisions

Falmer Released Land & Site Adjacent to Community Stadium

17/10/2013 - Falmer Released Land & Site Adjacent to Community Stadium

1.                  That the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Executive Director Finance & Resources and Head of Law be authorised to enter into negotiations with The Community Stadium Limited (“TCSL”) regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Falmer Released Land, as shown on the annexed plan, with TCSL and to agree that proposed Heads of Terms are brought back to the Committee for final approval; and


2.                  That the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Executive Director Finance & Resources and Head of Law be authorised to enter into negotiations with TCSL regarding the proposed construction of a hotel on the land adjacent to the Community Stadium shown on the annexed plan and to agree that proposed Heads of Terms are brought back to the Committee for final approval.


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