Decisions for issue Low Emission Zone - Central Brighton

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Low Emission Zone - Central Brighton

16/01/2014 - Low Emission Zone - Central Brighton

1.                  That the Committee declares a Low Emission Zone in Castle Square, North Street and Western Road as far as the junction with Holland Road, with the aim of ensuring that all Public Service Vehicles to meet, as a minimum the Euro 5 emissions standard by 1 January 2015, with only licensed exemptions to this requirement as set out in this report.


2.                  That officers are authorised to further consult with bus operators, DEFRA and the Department for Transport with a view to making an application to the Traffic Commissioner for a Traffic Regulation Condition to establish the regulatory framework for the Low Emission Zone


3.                  That the Committee notes that officers will consult with taxi drivers on a range of specific proposals and initiatives to reduce taxi emissions for the consideration of the Licensing Committee.



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