Decisions for issue Brighton & Hove School Organisation Plan 2013 – 2017

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Brighton & Hove School Organisation Plan 2013 – 2017

11/04/2014 - Brighton & Hove School Organisation Plan 2013 – 2017

104.1      Councillor Shanks introduced the report that had been considered at the Children and Young People’s Committee on 10 March 2014 and referred to the Council for approval. She stated that she was pleased to present the report and hoped for cross-party support as the Council had a duty to deliver school places. It had been agreed there were enough places across the city, and that extra places were required in the pressure areas in Hove. There would be a ‘bulge’ in second school numbers in 2017, and the old style of secondary school was no longer a sustainable model in the city as there were problems finding potential and worthwhile sites. It was noted that the King’s School was continuing to face problems finding a site within the city and it was hoped that other political groups could help work on this issue.


104.2      Councillor Pissaridou stated that she of the view the document presented a crisis in secondary school places with a shortage of up to 1500 places. This was clear as the number of secondary school places needed over the next few years could be calculated with greater accuracy; this was an issue that the current administration and the previous Conservative administration had not addressed. The issue had already been demonstrated this year in relation to shortage of 21 school places in one of the city’s catchment areas. There was nothing in the plan about how to create the necessary school places and the proposed review was considered to be long overdue.


104.3      Councillor Wealls noted that the report highlighted the shortage in places in the city and noted that previous attempts to discuss the gap in relation to those on free school with an academy chain had not been taken up by Councillor Shanks. He also added that the Labour Group had not produced any proposals in relation to this matter.


104.4      Councillor Daniel noted that the extent of the problem was clear, and that she had only become aware of this upon becoming elected. As a parent she was shocked that schools were becoming overcrowded and she questioned the willingness of the administration to tackle the issue. Councillor Daniel also noted that home to school transport was not the responsibility of the local authority, but suggested that the provision of school buses could be included in the plan.


104.5      Councillor Mitchell expressed her concern that the plan was not a complete piece of work and there was no provision for the 1500 shortage of the places at secondary school level after 2017; she asked for clear plans for consultation to remove the uncertainty for parents.


104.6      Councillor Phillips highlighted her concern about the gap in attainment levels at academies and stated that as both an elected Member and a teacher she was opposed to them within the city.


“Councillor Phillips noted that Academies were able to select their intake which could be why there is a gap in attainment levels and sated that both as an elected Member and teacher she was opposed to them in the city.”



104.7      Councillor Shanks responded to the debate and stated that there was not a crisis in terms of school places as several secondary schools were below numbers. She stated that there was no statutory duty for the local authority to provide school buses and generally children were able to use the service buses within the city. The academies in the city were not failing and BACA had the largest value added. She asked that the government provide more freedom to build schools. It was important that political groups work together and it was dangerous if the issue continued to be so political.


104.8      Before the matter was put to the vote Councillor Mitchell asked for clarity around the dates of the proposed review. Councillor Shanks stated that there was currently no detailed timetable.


104.9      RESOLVED - That the School Organisation Plan 2013-17 be approved.


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