Decisions for issue Annual update of the Council's Corporate Plan 2014/15
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Annual update of the Council's Corporate Plan 2014/15
11/04/2014 - Annual update of the Council's Corporate Plan 2014/15
103.1 Councillor J. Kitcat introduced the report that had been referred from the Policy & Resources Committee on 20 March 2014 to the Council for approval. He stated that he pleased the progress the Council had made in this area and made reference to the performance data within the report. He noted the improvements in areas such as GCSE results; ‘One-Planet living’ and the progression of the i360 project. One of the key themes was that the Council continued to look at how to do things differently in the face of challenges such as the ongoing difficulty of the budget position and the growing aging population. Councillor J. Kitcat noted that he was pleased to recommend the report to the Council for approval.
103.2 Councillor Mitchell welcomed the recommendations in relation to the targeting a service around the low health check uptake in deprived areas. She noted that it was clear there had been significant reductions in GP data and there were issues in relation to some of the outer lying areas of the city. Councillor Mitchell also asked a question in relation to the extension of free part time early education to 2 year olds and what percentage of these children were with childminders.
103.3 Councillor Wealls noted the commitment with respect of GCSE results and noted that the target was actually to be in the top 25% - rather than the top 50% as listed. He noted that the academies in the city remained below the national average and more value added was necessary to ensure the city schools progressed. A target in relation to those on free school meals should also be taken forward to address the gap between those children in receipt of free school meals and their peers.
103.4 Councillor Marsh drew attention to the decent homes target and noted this had been a national target from the previous Labour Government, and she went on to highlight the low number of new homes that the administration had delivered.
103.5 Councillor Jarrett referenced Councillor Mitchell’s point about health checks and stated that he agreed the uptake had been low; he had held discussions with the Director of Public Health in view to different models of targeting this.
103.6 Councillor Shanks noted she did not have the information in relation to Councillor Mitchell’s question, but she would ensure this was responded to outside of the meeting. She noted her agreement with Councillor Wealls in relation to the gap for those on free school meals, but highlighted there was a strategy in place to tackle this as well as targets around the pupil premium and the proper use of these funds.
103.7 Councillor Randall responded to points made by Councillor Marsh and stated that much of the work to provide new homes had to start from the very beginning when the administration had assumed office. Government subsides had changed and it was difficult to deliver, and there was a concern that Central Government had turned their back on some of the poorest parts of society and those in need.
103.8 Councillor Janio expressed his concerns in relation to the bureaucratic nature of the organisation and stated that there was an increased expectation of change and modernisation from the public.
103.9 Councillor K. Norman referenced page 77 of the document and stated that he did feel the words ‘getting stuff done’ were appropriate language.
103.10 Councillor West made some general comments that the document projected what the Council aimed to do in the next year; it talked about the communities in the city and recognised the hard work of Officers. He stated that the city was a great place and hoped it would continue to succeed.
103.11 Councillor Simson expressed her concern that changes to traffic management on Lewes Road had displaced the problem into Woodingdean.
103.12 Councillor J. Kitcat responded to the debate and stated that the document was an important means of creating a clear direction, and added that the financial position would continue to be difficult.
103.13 RESOLVED - That the Corporate Plan annual update 2014/15, given as Appendix 1 and subject to a revision to include secondary school places, be approved, and adopted including amendments following the debate at the Policy & Resources Committee.
09/04/2014 - Annual update of the Council's Corporate Plan 2014/15
(1) That the Corporate Plan annual update 2014/15, given as Appendix 1 and subject to a revision to include secondary school places, be approved, and recommended to Full Council on 27th March 2014 for adoption; and
(2) That the progress made on the Corporate Plan commitments from the 2013/14 annual update, as summarised in Appendix 2 to the report be noted.