Decisions for issue Phase 3 Children's Centre

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Issue - decisions

Phase 3 Children's Centre

17/09/2008 - Phase 3 Children's Centre

1.       That the use of £300,000 of the capital funding to ensure that the existing Children’s Centres are fully functional by funding both maintenance and improvements to the existing buildings and outside spaces where needed be agreed.


2.       That the development of three gateway Children’s Centres in the following areas be agreed:

·        Preston Park

·        Westdene

·        Rottingdean/Saltdean


3.       That a review of whether an additional Children’s Centre was needed in Hove be agreed, subject to a decision having been made to develop a new school there as part of the Primary Strategy.


4.       That, in accordance with Children’s Centre Phase 3 Planning and Delivery Guidance, CYPT officers be requested to ask existing private, voluntary, independent or statutory services for children and families in the areas listed in (2) above, to express an interest in developing a Children’s Centre based on an agreed specification.    


5.       That it be agreed to consult local families about the final location of the Children’s Centre in each of these areas. 



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