Decisions for issue Stanmer Park Masterplan - Approval of Stage 1 Heritage Grant Applications
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Stanmer Park Masterplan - Approval of Stage 1 Heritage Grant Applications
11/07/2014 - Stanmer Park Master Plan & Application for Heritage Lottery Fund Grant Funding
1) That the Committee agrees the approach outlined in this report to apply for grant funding for the Stanmer Project which includes the submission of a Stage 1 Parks for People application in August 2014 and a Heritage Grant in October 2014.
2) That the Committee notes the funding requirements for the project and agrees in principle the ring fencing of the match funding identified in this report and to explore options to meet the shortfall in match funding.
3) That the committee delegates authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing and the Executive Director of Finance & Resources to oversee the completion of the Stage 1 funding bids and to sign off the final documents prior to submission to HLF.
4) That the committee agrees in principle to the relocation of the City Parks Depot out of Stanmer Park and authorises officers to continue to look into alternative locations and funding options for the relocation.