Decisions for issue Amendment Traffic Order

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Issue - decisions

Amendment Traffic Order

09/10/2014 - Amendment Traffic Order

The Committee is recommended to (having taken into account of all the duly made representations and objections):


Approve the Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order No.* 201* and Brighton & Hove (Waiting & Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 amendment Order No.* 201* with the following amendments:


a)    The proposed removal of a disabled parking bay in Valley Road, Portslade is to be removed from the Traffic Order as this bay is still required by a local resident.


b)    The proposed disabled parking bays in Grange Road, Granville Road, Parkmore Terrace and Pembroke Crescent are to be removed from the Traffic Order as they are no longer required by the original applicants.


c)    The proposed no loading  Monday to Saturday 9am to 6pm in Camelford Street is to be amended on this Traffic Order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.4


d)    The proposed car club bays in Second Avenue are to be amended on this Traffic Order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.11


e)    The proposed changing of single yellow lines to double yellow lines in Medina Place  is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.6


f)     The proposed loading bay in Lorna Road is to be amended on this Traffic Order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.12



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