Decisions for issue Housing Tenancy Fraud Update
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Housing Tenancy Fraud Update
10/09/2014 - Housing Tenancy Fraud Update
30.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which updated Members on the work that had been undertaken so far this year in relation to tackling housing tenancy fraud and also informed Members of initiatives that were planned for later in this financial year. Details about the recovery of properties was contained in paragraph 3.1. of the report. The report was presented by the Corporate Fraud Manager.
30.2 The Chair suggested that it would be a good idea to publicise the successful actions.
30.3 Councillor Peltzer Dunn congratulated the Corporate Fraud Manager on the success of investigations and recovery of properties. All members of the Committee concurred.
30.4 RESOLVED - That the content of this report be noted.