Decisions for issue Review of Parking Standards for new development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

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Review of Parking Standards for new development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

15/01/2015 - Review of Parking Standards for new development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

RESOLVED – (1) That the committee notes the outcome of the issues and options consultation undertaken prior to the development of new parking standards for new development;


(2) That the committee authorises the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing to undertake formal public consultation on the draft Parking Standards SPD, attached at Appendix 1, and request that a report on the results is brought to a future meeting of this committee; and


(3) That the committee requests that the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing prepares a best practice guidance document which shall include parking design and layout and that a draft document is brought to a future meeting of this committee.


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