Decisions for issue St Aubyns Planning Brief

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St Aubyns Planning Brief

16/01/2015 - St Aubyns Planning Brief

59.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development and Housing seeking formal approval for a planning brief that had been prepared for the former St Aubyns School, Rottingdean and which had been subject to a public consultation exercise which had informed the final brief. The former school site  and boundary included all land which fell within the curtilage of the Grade II listed school building situated within Rottingdean Conservation Area with its ancillary playing field to the east.


59.2    It was noted that the planning brief sought a high quality sustainable redevelopment in the heart of Rottingdean Village which respected the character of the existing heritage assets and the public recreation opportunities arising from the existing open space. The St Aubyns Planning Brief was attached as Appendix 2 to the report. A copy of the Consultation report was attached as Appendix 3.



59.3    The Head of City Planning and Development referred to correspondence which had been forwarded to Members of the Committee, explaining that there was no potential conflict, no one had been precluded from the consultation exercise and it remained for any developer to bring forward a viable scheme. It was as a recreational facility but increased public use would be encouraged.


59.4    The Chair welcomed the Chair of Rottingdean Parish Council, Cllr Bob Webzell, and Parish Cllr Sue John who were present representing the St Aubyns Project Group of Rottingdean Parish Council. The request for a brief to be produced for this site had come from the Parish Council as a result of concerns expressed by local people about the future of the site, following the closure of the school in 2013. The Parish Council were currently undertaking preparation of their Neighbourhood Plan and were keen to see a planning brief introduced to guide the future development of this strategically important site. The Chair, stated that he wished to extend his thanks to Rottingdean Parish Council who were part funding the production of the brief, for their positive contribution to the process.


59.5         Both parish councillors stated they welcomed the opportunity to attend the meeting and commended the joint working which had taken place in respect of the consultation process and drawing up the brief which addressed the needs and wishes of the residents and the site’s owners. There were concerns that potential developers could come forward with a scheme which was out of keeping with the site and role of the brief in providing a rubric for future development was seen as integral in providing it with a measure of protection.


59.6         Councillor Mears stated that officers had worked tirelessly to bring this document forward, the site was a sensitive one on which appropriate development could be beneficial and the importance of maintaining the existing “green lung” could not be over-estimated. This was an important document because it provided clear guidelines for future development.


59.7         Councillor Hawtree supported the brief stating that he wanted, however, to sound a note of caution in that there was no absolute protection of the existing playing field, although it had been protected as far as it was practicable to do so.


59.8         Councillor Morgan stated that the significance of the open air swimming pool at the site had been referred to and he enquired whether it was intended that this would be retained for public use. The Head of City Planning and Development confirmed that any scheme brought forward would be considered in terms of its viability. The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the swimming pool was within that area identified as suitable for development.


59.9         RESOLVED – That the Economic Development & Culture Committee approves the St Aubyns Planning Brief  as a material planning consideration in the assessment of development proposals and planning applications relating to the site.


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