Decisions for issue Housing Strategy 2015

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Housing Strategy 2015

06/08/2015 - Housing Strategy 2015

79.1         RESOLVED:


(1)       That the adoption of the Housing Strategy 2015 be agreed;


(2)       That approval of the Housing Strategy 2015 be recommended to Brighton & Hove Connected as part of the Sustainable Communities Strategy; and


(3)       That the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to take all steps necessary and incidental to implement the Strategy.

14/01/2015 - Housing Strategy 2015

(1)            That the Housing Strategy 2015 as set out in Appendix 1, be approved.


(2)            That the Strategic Housing Partnership be recommended to:

(i) Approve the Housing Strategy 2015.

(ii) Recommend approval of the Housing Strategy 2015 to Brighton & Hove Connected as part of the Sustainable Communities Strategy.


(3)            That Council be recommended to:

(1)  Adopt the Housing Strategy 2015.

(2)  Recommend approval of the Housing Strategy 2015 to Brighton & Hove Connected as part of the Sustainable Communities Strategy.

(3)  Authorises the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing to take all steps necessary and incidental to implement the Strategy.


(4)      That it be further explored through the Strategic Housing Partnership and the Health & Wellbeing Board how the housing sector can work in partnership with health, social care and voluntary sector providers to improve health and wellbeing of local people.



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