Decisions for issue HRA Revenue Budget 2015/16
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HRA Revenue Budget 2015/16
12/02/2015 - Housing Revenue Account Budget 2015/16
That the Committee:
(a) Approves and recommends to Council the budget for 2015/16 as shown in Appendix 1.
(b) Approves a rent increase of 2.2% in line with government guidance.
(c) Approves the changes to fees and charges as detailed in Appendix 2.
(d) Notes the Medium Term Financial Strategy shown in Appendix 3.
14/01/2015 - HRA Revenue Budget 2015/16
(1) That the Policy & Resources Committee:
(a) Approves and recommends to Council the budget for 2015/16 as shown in Appendix 1.
(b) Approves a rent increase of 2.2% in line with government guidance.
(c) Approves the changes to fees and charges as detailed in Appendix 2.
(d) Notes the Medium Term Financial Strategy shown in Appendix 3.
(2) That a further report be submitted on the cumulative impact of charges.